Thursday, December 18, 2008

My days.. part 2

well.. last post was about my 2 days after pangkor.. well.. tis post i hope is a short n quick one.. haha..

monday morning.. 15th.. haha.. i cycled to azizah's house to wash tents.. which those bunch of buddies i got during pangkor trip.. nvr thought i wud be meeting them so soon again.. i woke up at 7.50am.. LOL.. da meeting time was 8am.. haha.. i quickly grabbed a shirt n my shorts, washed my face n cycled off.. hahah.. whoa.. i didnt know tat azizah had classes tat early.. 8am.. wah.. i was barely awake.. still blur blur.. if i were to tt at tat hour.. i guess i will be late always.. haha.. i saw some latecomers too.. still blur.. haha.. so we started washing da tents.. we finished washing quite fast n da prob was to wait for them to dry.. its was around 9.00am when we'r finished.. so we went to silibin corner which is jus around da corner to have our yum cha session..

well i didnt bring along money with me.. i felt kinda reluctant.. but nvm.. durian said he can pay for me first.. so i jus called for 1 roti canai n a teh tarik.. both only cost rm2. haha tats my breakfast.. we chatted n ate.. haha.. talked.. n blew.. haha these guys are not hard to get along with.. haha.. i thought i couldnt mix with them.. but somehow they felt my presence n i do get along with them.., hahaa.. so they discussed about activity for da next day.. jia hao wanted to sing k.. with us.. all guys.. haha.. many of us were kinda reluctant.. haha.. so some of us.. suggested to get some girls.. haha.. it sounds as if im desperate with gals.. lol.. dunno leh.. abit gua.. hahaa.. so after tat.. at round 10.30am.. we went back to collect da tents.. went back but da tents werent dry yet.. sat in azizah's place.. talked bout da pangkor trip. haha.. stuffs tat are funny.. gossiping too... hahaa.. later we went to da field to check da tents.. but still not fully dried.. they sat down.. n talked.. at last.. we all agreed to go to cc.. alll guys.. haha.. so i cycled home quickly.. too my wallet n brushed my teeth.. faced my face again.. n headed back.. we collected da tents n went to fantasy online.. jus beside silibin corner.. haha..

welll.. we had games.. of cos.. dota n cs.. really had fun with thsoe guys.. haha.. i could laugh n release myself when playing.. haha.. but still i dont like da environment.. da smoke stench.. give me butterflies in da stomach.. wasnt really comfortable but nvm.. still enjoyed.. haha.. without realising.. we played till 2.21pm adi.. haha.. i rmb tat time.. paid da moeny.. rm5.10.. quite alot too.. but worth da playing i guess.. so we all parted back.. for da rest of da day.. i did my daily holiday chores.. online.. sleep.. watch video..

here comes da next day.. it started off with my dad waking me up.. n telling me to go to office with him.. to fix da comp.. normally.. i would be reluctant.. lazing on da bed.. but tis time i woke up jus whe he asked me.. wonder how come.. i guess its tat because i know would be able to go to parade n meet up with those guys later.. haha..

had my breakfast at home.. n went to da office.. jus at greentown.. went in.. as usual.. i have always visited tat office.. so da workers n kinda familiar.. but i jus look weird.. how come boss son would come.. in shorts.. t-shirt.. n carrying a bag in slippers... im sure it looks funny to appear like tat in a office.. haha.. da worker showed me da comp to be fixed.. man.. da comp.. was like da first comp ive get in touched with.. i guess it almost.. 7 or 8 yrs old.. rmb those old models.. which run on dos system.. n not even windows 95.. those type.. i certainly dont have knowledge in tat.. haiz.. i didnt really know wad to do n i dont knwo wad to tell my dad.. so i tried out myself.. da comp.. would restart on its on after a short while.. well for tis prob.. its probably overheated or virus.. but its probably impossible for a virus to attack.. so i reckon its heat i guess.. i could see da cpu.. with da processor n da heat sink covered with thick dust.. n when its turned of.. da heatsink was heated very fast.. my brain told me to clean it up.. took da vacuum, mesin hampagas.. n cleaned it.. jus simply cleaned it da casing n those dust on da mainboard.. i took out da processor chip.. for da first time... i took it out.. it was intersting.. heavy it is.. feels like holding something very.. like once in a lifetime thing.. haha.. i cleaned it.. da processor part thorough.. put it back n tried to turn it on again.. well first it worked.. logged into da windows.. as it didnt have a mouse.. i couldnt do anything.. for keyboard navigation i still have limited knowledge.. so i left da comp there to wait.. after sometime it didnt restart.. so i guess its a good sign.. lol.. i tried to navigate with da keyboard.. but.. darn it didnt have response.. it hanged.. haiz.. i really dont know wad to to.. i reset it.. after going thru da bios.. it hanged.. reset numerous time.. it still hang.. i shut it off. left it for like 2 mins.. n turned on again.. well tis time it works.. a worker keyed in some particular.. but later it hanged.. zzz.. still having prob.. but im not sure wads tat.. overheat? dont know.. i felt da heatsink with my fingers.. not really a prob.. n installed a fan scrapped from an old comp.. installed it.. n da temperature decreased.. but still da hang prob exist.. haiz.. i really dont know wads da prob.. kinda like wanna leave it be adi.. its almost time i shud meet those guys.. i told dad.. about it.. he said... try transferring da harddisk to other comp.. n i was like.. man.. long work.. n i gtg adi.. haiz.. i requested to leave.. n to coem back tmr.. well luckily he accepted.. so i left n walked towards parade.. actually i left lotsa details in da office.. haiz.. too long to write.. some trials with diff errors.. haiz..i dont u all wanna know gua..

so i was walking.. got a msg from murid lydia... told her i was walking to parade adi.. nvr thought they wud be expecting me.. wanted to give a surprise tim.. haha.. nvm.. furthermore i was late.. better to inform them.. reached parade.. saw thsoe guys n waited for few mins.. went up to kbox.. as they said wanted to singK.. after hearing its rm20.. heart shattered.. soo expensive.. reluctantly.. went in.. well.. first time in kbox.. first time given to all these guys.. not even my very close frenz.. haiz.. suan ba.. jus an activity.. well.. for 20 bucks.. i really hope i enjoy it.. haha.. my singing sucks.. really.. i cant sing well.. i really admit lor.. n i even chose some songs.. which are like impossible to sing.. haha.. its jus tat i like them.. din really wanted to sing.. n one thing.. those mv are really shit.. some songs don have mv n they jus put in some simple vid as if matching da song.. arggh... one tat i wanted to puke was "Superman"... haha to me.. like a song tat symbolises me.. for me only lar.. haha... da vid they put with it was.. a man n woman.. duh.....shiiiittttttttt... da man resembles superman??!!! omg lar.. he looks like one skull.. skeleton.. resemble superman wor.. omg.. really felt like an insult for da song.. haiz.. was speechless adi.. n my voice was like.. shit eh..

getting abit bored.. i went out.. had a walk.. to buy a jeans my mum told me which was having offer.. 70% discount.. from rm136 dropped to rm41.95. i think.. so i went to see for myself.. haha.. at da moment.. alone.. felt like having somebody.. preferbly a gal to be with me to give some comments or opinion.. haha. i tried on some.. well soem didnt have size adi.. well den da sales guy took one out.. n i tried it on.. jus nice.. fits me n da design was okay too.. so i jus got tat.. walked around to see more stuffs.. ekk.. encountered ziyi's best fren.. working.. she saw me.. i saw her.. but i din tegur at all.. jus pretended i din know n walked away.. swt.. dunno if tats da right way.. haiz.. thinking back.. i shud have at least smiled gua.. nvm.. next time got chance jus try again lor..

later i went back.. n i jus sat down.. din really do anything.. sing abit with thsoe guys.. den it was end adi. 4 n half hours passed.. frankly speaking.. i'd rather walked around parkson or ipoh parade.. den spending my time in tat room.. n paying 20 bucks for it.. haiz.. but its over.. it was about 4.45 i guess when we'r done.. again.. we parted ways.. jiahao, sing yee and hon chooon, me n lydia took bus.. went to parkson bus stand.. waited for bus.. walking thru.. was kinda awkward.. cos had to walk with lydia.. she followed from behind.. really an awkward scene.. so we waited for da bus.. hmm.. neither long wait or short wait.. n i dont oftenly get bus in parkson.. mostly i walk down to kamdar.. well.. its rm1.30 back to silibin.. rm.0.80 or .0.90 boarded from kamdar i guess.. huhh... bad luck.. tis bus.. has no conductor.. da driver has to do everything himself.. he has to get down n collect da money.. tat really took lots of time.. well.. we sat separately.. all of us.. well lydia.. being first timer.. haha.. funny.. asked me where to tell da guy to stop.. she asked.. ''tell him silibin''.. haha my first reaction was ''silibin whole area urs??" in cantonese lar.. later i found out tat she thought i was scolding her.. haha.. i wasnt lar.. jus first reaction.. jus blurted out suddenly.. don have a scolding element inside lar.. well it was a long bus ride.. a long one.. n its funny tat lydia seem so excited with da cows.. haha.. FYI lydia.. those cows arent sesat lar.. they know where going n they are heading their way back.. in tat road they are da king.. haha we must let them cross first..

well den lydia dropped off earlier.. frankly speaking.. its like a worry to leave a gal walking by herself bah.. i thought i wanted to walk her back if she is to drop abit further from he drop zone.. dunno wads wrong.. its jus my feel.. well i sent a msg.. kinda like wondered how come she not receive yet.. erm.. my phone has a alert telling tat da person has received da msg.. worry arises again.. aikz.. but first thing.. pls dont misund... theres ntg between lydia n i.. after walking a distance.. haha.. da alert came in.. n later lydia replied.. lol.. inbox full.. i was like zha dou.. lol.. so she was alright.. haha.. luckily.. if something happened.. i jou die...

well.. my night ended with me studying undang.. preparing for da test next day.. n went online.. till 3.. n da next day.. i failed undang.. n i ended up bloggin.. dont wanna elaborate so much..


p/s: i felt liek going for da bbq party.. haiz... its sad not able to attend it.. sorry guys.. haizzz

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My days.. part 1

Its been quite sometime since i updated tis thing ever since i came back from pangkor.. i only had pangkor 1 done n posted.. pangkor 2 has been suspended.. no definite reason.. jus don feel like updating... song im listening now is ''Life In Technicolour" by Coldplay.. haha.. dunno y jus felt like telling ppl..

well lets get it started with after pangkor.. haha..
da day after arriving at ipoh.. ziying asked me to go out with her.. its been ages i guess.. since i've went out with her.. its jus a casual walk.. not pak toh ah.. hmm.. as always.. she drives.. in her new car.. so we set off to jusco... somtimes.. i feel sorry for her.. to drive from first garden to jusco.. its damn far man.. n da petrol.. haiz.. n to add on... i overslept tat day.. well.. she was already in town when i called her to tell tat im ready... n she purposely came back to first garden to pick me up... feel bad for myself.. first.. for not going by da time.. den not picking ur call.. den have u to drive all way back again.. sorry ler ziying.. if u see tis.. haiz.. i really enjoy going out with u but i feel bad at times...

so we went to jusco.. well yeah.. yijun came into my mind.. i suggested.. y not ask him out eh.. as we entered jusco.. i called yijun.. he lives in gunung rapat... as we parked.. yijun informed us tat there is gonna be a gathering in parade.. kopitiam.. with ivan. kar leong, hong wai, syee wei, n him.. huhhhh.. ziying was kinda reluctant to go.. saying tat she would be a laughing stock by kar leong.. its kinda funny tat she thinks like tat.. maybe i wont feel how she thinks.. but i feel tat its much worth it to have them rather den worrying bout getting laughed ba... so ziying reluctantly agreed.. haha.. but before tat.. we went down to jusco to get some mags for ziying's sis.. those chinese celebrity gossip mags i suppose.. wonder wads so interesting.. haha.. ziying went to mph.. bought some keychain like gifts.. den soon after tat we left jusco.. at da entrance.. i saw joo zjin.. well.. long time din see him since last day of SPM eh.. haha.. he seemed to have grown taller. lol

well after tat.. ziying n i went to parade.. upon arriving.. called ivan to ask his whereabouts.. later we met n walked.. ivan bought a prepaid reload n den we walked to kopitiam.. we sat down.. few mins later.. hong wai n kar leong arrived.. syee wei didnt come.. n ziying sighed for relief.. haha.. n ziying said tat walking in parade seemed like walking back to samtet.. parade is full of st guys she says.. haha.. well we talked n chatted for so long in kopitiam.. like da old times.. its was da times when i first joined choir.. haha.. i was form 3.. n hanged out with these seniors.. haha miss da old times.. really.. kar leong, ivan, hong wai nvr changed.. can laugh n talk so loud.. haha.. it was embarassing.. but enjoyable.. haha.. its was quite long tat we sat in kopitiam.. we were talking bout trips to bukit merah n kl.. haha later we left parade.. n went to da train station to check da fares n time to kl.. haha.. well i'll jus cut out here... too long adi.. later i went to ziying hse to do sumthing with her comp.. n my day is off..

now listening to "viva la vida'' by Coldplay.. haha one of my fav.. lol

well now da 2nd day.. early morning.. ziying asked for a jog.. took a shortcut to her hse... thru da lalang which we cut short adi.. but still din felt too safe.. but too lazy to walk a long way.. well.. went to her hse. waited liek 10 mins.. n started to jog.. we jog from streets to streets in da first garden area.. well frankly speaking.. din really jog long.. i reckon.. about 2 km only i guess. maybe less den tat.. haiz.. guess it was my fault.. i don really have da stamina.. n ziying has alot.. whoa.. i can really see her hardwork.. she really persevere.. but i didnt.. haiz.. sorry again.. at last.. we walked back to ziying's hse.. sat at da front gate.. n chatted abit.. later went in.. talked abit n decided to have a movie in her hse.. so i went back.. took my bath.. n waited for my breakfast.. ate it.. n ziying came with her car.. so we set off to gunung rapat to get yijun.. so far again.. haiz... after getting yijun.. we dropped by at McD.. haha been long time i've have tasted mcD eh.. lol.. luckily i bought 10 bucks.. haha bought a double cheeseburger set.. wah.. abit sakit hati for 10 bucks.. but wadever lar.. long time nvr enjoy jor..

after tat.. we cruised in gunung rapat.. ziying wanted to see houses of those ppl she knows.. with yijun as da guide.. haha.. den later we picked up hong wai at silibin n off we went to ziying's hse.. well we set up da fries on a plate so everyone can enjoy while watching movie.. madagascar 2.. haha first i thought it shud be an interesting movie.. well.. it wasnt really up to my expectations.. it was rather short.. n abit.. bad storyline.. but overall still okay ler.. yijun n hong wai din really watch.. tehy went online upstairs.. ziyi watched quite abit.. din finish n went up her room.. only zixian n i finished da 1 hours n 20 mins movie i guess.. well den it was i guess 3 or 4pm adi.. i was kinda exhausted adi.. i could take a nap straight away on da floor.... i didnt have enuf sleep da day before.. n tat day early morning woke up n jogged too.. n after having a feast.. felt sleepy.. din really do much.. went up.. saw hong wai n ziying discussing bout ppl on friendster.. jus onlooker tats all.. well den ziying lended us 3 some DVDs.. lol.. bunch of them.. dramas for hong wai n yijun.. 2 movie n 1 nodame cantabile for me.. haha..

so ziying drove hong wai n yijun back again.. first its hong wai.. silibin only.. den gunung rapat for yijun again.. i fell asleep in da car.. haha.. sorry i din contribute anything in da car.. haiz.. jus slept.. shud have accompanied u 2... haha.. wonder wad u guys talked back there... well im last to get home... din really talk much in da car.. ziying was like frustrating.. n i really dont know wad to talk.. lol.. cant be of help.. hope u get alright fast ler.. ziying.. dont go so far so long adi.. learn to let go ler..

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pangkor trip

hehe.. as u guys shud know if u read my last posts.. i was in pangkor for da last 3 days starting from da 9th.. lol.. its been 3 days since i've touched da computer.. lol. so here lets blog bout my trip. ahah

haha da first day started off with a morning wake... den its breakfast with bread got from yohan da day before.. den it was mum who drove us to da departure place.. lol.. da bus stand? stop? terminal? building? haha dunno which term to use.. lol.. well our bus was on time. ROADWAYS was da bus we boarded.. well.. its not da best bus.. maybe i would say its da worst bus.. but i guess it is to minimize da cost.. getting a cheap bus i guess.. well.. 14 of us.. volunteers were taken into da bus.. haha.. lets see if i could list it out.. hmm.. its ME, james, hon choon, chen, jun how, seng hoe(actor), sing yee(skeleton king), jiahao(wayne izzit?), kai qi, jun jen(pig kin), durian(tarzan), n 3 gals.. lydia, siew yee and chiew yan.. haha tough gals ehh.. lol..
so it was 14 of us who got da worst treat of all.. but still its quite fun n memorable for us.. hahahhaa.. i enjoyed it.. rather den being treated so well.. haha tough n rough is my liking.. lol. well da bus ride.. took us bout 2 hours.. on da way.. it took passengers where it passes.. even when da seats are all occupied.. kinda pity da ppl standing.. especially some elderly.. haiz.. its really like a town bus.. not a long journey bus.. which is supposed to go straight to da destination.. lol.. arriving at lumut.. we stopped by at da bus terminal.. n we got off without knowing tat our destination shud be da jetty on da bus.. lol.. we got down.. n kept asking.. ''wheres da jetty'', ''wheres da sea''.. lol.. we were looking around.. lucky hon choon got to da driver n asked how to go to da jetty.. n lucky enuf.. da driver told us to board back da bus. haha.. n so we went back.. n got to da jetty.. it was quite a distance.. well i cant imagine tat if da bus was gone.. n we were to walk to da jetty.. lol.. well upon arriving at da jetty.. we were required to wait... to wait for da other bus which took off at 10am.. 2 hrs later den us.. haha.. they took 1 and half hours to arrive eh.. in da mean time.. we were sitting down at one of da stalls.. i had a teh tarik.. lol.. a drink tat i seldom have.. lol.. cos it milk.. some may not know.. but i dont quite like tea added milk.. i either drink da tea plain or i drink da milk plain.. tats all lol.. but guess i had to change myself.. so i tried it out.. haha it turned out to be okay.. wasnt having any prob haha... and we were playing cards.. lol.. angels n devils lol.. nvr thot tis gang of ppl would know how to play.. it was a game introduced by my fren during some choir gathering.. haha.. it was fun.. back then cos everybody gets it.. n we were jus like buddies who can say anything haha.. but for tis.. it wasnt tat good cos we were still strangers with each other.. but wads good was da response.. everyone seem to like it already.. n im sure there would be more when we're in da island.. haha.. well after getting a call from azizah.. we got to da meeting place.. in front of da jetty. n well meet da group of ppl i'll be hanging out with for da next 3 days. ntg much from da tt side as i know who are those adi.. but from da poi lam side.. i saw some ppl which i din really like.. hahaa.. guess its dislike at first sight.. some had tt with me.. n i didnt like their attitude.. well tat proves in da next coming activities.. but now back to da trip thing.. so we had our lunch.. at da 1st stall.. da stall which holds da number 1 plate.. haha.. biggest shop i guess. 2 floors.. well it was a malay dish.. i didnt feel like eating... i couldnt finish those stuffs.. haiz.. i had i guess 30% of da dish... tats all.. i felt its a real waste.. haiz.. FYI.. i normally eat everything till da plate is clean.. except da bones lar..haha.

after da dinner we waited for a while.. den we boarded da ferry and off we went.. pangkor island.. it was a great ferry i shud say.. lotsa space.. air conditioned.. haha.. spacious.. jus great.. lol.. well im not sure how long it took for us to get to pangkor island.. was accompanying me almost all of da time.. soon after arriving at da pangkor jetty.. all of us took a taxi ride which was a van.. to our campsite.. haha da 10 of us.. which ended up in one gang.. took da last bus.. as if we were taking care of da ppl infront haha.. felt like we were given duties for da camp.. haha.. n it was then tat my mix came with da group of ppl.. lol.. hon choon, tarzan, jun jen, chen, kai qi, seng hoe, jia hao, james, n skeleton king.. haha.. it was in da bus tat we blew water.. crapped.. haha.. begining of my joint of da gang.. lol.. da bus ride was interesting lol.. roads n streets in pangkor are narrow.. n winding in n out.. lol.. interestingly.. da driver manage to drive at a high speed n manoevouring at da sharp corners.. haha..

fuhh.. after i guess bout 15mins ride.. we went thru bushes.. narrow lanes.. n finally arrived at our campsite.. everybody thought it shud be near da beach.. but it turned out to be not.. everybody was disappointed i suppose.. haha.. so we had some little briefing i guess.. n divided ppl into da rooms.. haha.. mixing with da guys enabled me to join da ppl sleeping in da tents.. its my first experience eh!! so we set up da tents.. haha.. it was jus a piece of cake lol..

well soon after tat.. shud b around 2pm.. jungle trekking started.. we were some mins late from da gathering.. lol.. memang no discipline at all.. so da guide intro himself.. he sound as if he is a big shot.. he trains da military.. sea land n water.. all 3.. and also NS trainer.. whoa.. like so pro.. later i found out from my teacher tat he is even an artist.. composer.. whoa.. versatile eh.. haha.. so we set off to da jungle.. leade by Along and Angah.. 2 women.. who became our guide.. n they werent ordinary women.. their sizes.. look more like men.. their hands.. were built up even bigger den we boys.. kinda scary.. lol. so we were lead to jus behind our campsite.. hmm.. for starting.. da track was easy enuf... we were lined with our own groups.. coincidence.. da poi lam gang which i dislike was behind me... they were like... some... radio who cant stop talking... talk talk talk.. shout... gah.. some even complain tat da trail was TOOOOO EASY.. NOT challenging at all.. tat made me kinda boil up lo.. dont know y.. they were like not appreciating.. n only complain.. but know wad.. they da one giving all da prob during da trekking.. it was them who had to stop stop stop n stop... haiz.. n some boys look like they are some big boss.. really wanna give a punch on their faces.. tarak tahan with them...

haa yeah.. before da treakking we were all given biscuit with our names on it.. well name tags made of biscuits. we were required to wear it all da time.. ppl who broke their biscuits will get punishment.. well.. initially it was make-up on da faces.. but den it was changed to da game where u pick paper with notes telling u wad to do.. some nasty stuffs which some ppl wrote.. haha.. so at da jungle trekking.. i got to know lotsa ppl broke their biscuits. haha.. funny thing.. my biscuit was still alive.. well i thot i could have it alive for da whole trip.. but it turned out.. da ppl who had broken biscuits.. broke da biscuits of those who still have a nice biscuit tag.. man.. it was certainly unfair.. da biscuit wasnt even alive for 3 hours.. n it died jus like tat.. haiz.. bak to da trekking.. towards da middle n end.. da pathways started to get rough.. slippery, steep n some others.. which i really enjoy.. haha... but da line was too slow.. thanks to da poi lams... i rather take da lead n walk at my own pace..

squashed biscuit tag.. haiz..

well after da trekking.. we ended up at da beach.. haha.. we thought we wud jus sit at da beach n wash our feets, immerse out feet into da water.. haha.. it ended up with most ppl inside da water.. lol.. even myself.. din wanna get wet.. but ahh.. din care.. i was splashed half wet adi.. lol.. sea water.. was so salty.. lol.. been ages since i taste sea water.. haha.. tried out some swimming moves.. haha still can move.. lol.. seems like everybody likes da beach so much.. we stayed long at da beach lol..
after having enuf of da beach.. we went back to da camp.. i walked barefoot as my feet were covered with sand... i didnt feel any pain walking on da road lol.. dont know y.. haha i can even walk faster den others.. lol..

reaching da campsite it was already evening.. haha.. everybody went bathing loo... haha well hon choon, me n jun jen was kinda like da last boys to bathe.. haha.. da place was like NS camp lol.. everyone grouped together n bathe.. haha we were all naked left with our underpants only.. haha funny scene.. n da water was soo cold.. kinda hard to condition with it.. lol.. have to bathe slowly.. wonder how is it in da gal's place.. sure be much more funny.. haha.. im jus curious tats all lar.. not thinking dirty okay.. lol.
hmm after tat was dinner.. lemme think.. it was malay dishes.. i only rmb tat theres fish, tauge, and malay crackers only.. haha.. not really a delicious meal but certainly a full one... well after dinner.. we sat down at da campfire.. heating up ourselves around da campfire.. wah.. da feel is soo soothing ler.. under coldness.. u get fire.. so warm.. n its even after dinner.. everybody was like wanna go to sleep adi... too comfortable.. hmm after a while.. kai qi came n inform us group leaders bout da wargame which we shud play at da night... but everyone seem exhausted n lazy adi.. haiz.. plus da poi lam ppl din wanna play... event spoilers really.. kai qi wasnt tat happy adi.. he complained to us.. well den we decided to play tat punishment for da biscuit thing.. to pick paper form a box n do thsoe stuffs.. we thought it wud be easier n not much energy used.. but da poi lam ppl again.. saw those paper.. those request.. n they din wanna play again.. hiaz.. initially we got to know tat they are very playful.. but it turned out.. jus a bullshit only... well i agree tat thsoe request are kinda over.. but they dont have to think tat its a must to do mar.. jus kiddin mostly lar.. jus to let everyone has some laugh.. have fun together.. tats all lar.. but nobody played.. well.. disappointing..

well after tat.. hon choon, jun jen n I went to bathe again.. before tis we jus washed ourselves.. da sand on us.. but den tis time we use da soap shampoo.. full set lar.. lol.. after tat we walked out to da beach.. meaning walked out da camp lar.. in da dark.. with da help of torchlights only.. man surrounded by bushes.. woods.. damn scary ler... i nvr believe ghost exist but i always imagine n tats da creepy thing.. arggh... its late at tis moment too.. all dark outside.. scary... we it was like 1.5km walk i guess..quite long ler.. so da place has only one main street tats all.. n ntg much to see actually.. hahah.. after a fast walk on da street with hawker stalls.. we headed to da beach.. haha.. know wad.. teacher.. azizah.. told me.. to look after da gals.. i was like LOL?! y i look after da gals.. n jun jen was beside me.. he suggested to folo da gals.. haha.. so no choice.. we quickly jus walk da street.. n went to da beach to look for da gals.. lol.. funy eh.. im incharge to look after them.. haha.. as if they dunno how to take care of themselves.. well da ppl had lotsa fun playing at da beach.. especially da swing thing.. lol.. took turns to play.. well for me.. i took soem time n sat on da beach.. listening to da waves.. it jus feels comforting abit.. maybe i have yet to have da full feel of it.. haha.. but da view is certainly nice.. so it was 11pm.. we were required to go home.. well.. da boys.. us.. da gang.. went on our own.. told teacher tat wer going back on our own.. cos some guy wanted to buy burgers.. lol.. come pangkor eat burgers.. funny lol.. haha... in da mean time while waiting for da burger.. we went into a nearby sundry shop.. went to da refrigerator.. haha.. funny thing.. i jus blurted out ''hey dui beer lo''.. lol means lets have beer.. n da ppl jus agreed. lol.. but i jus simply said tats all.. haha i din get myself beer.. instead i got myself ice lemon tea.. lol.. everybody was like.. ''how ironic'' lol.. i was da first to say but i din do it.. haha.. funny lar.. after den we went back.. n went to da table to play cards.. haha kinda like chatting at first.. gals n boys separate gang.. thsoe boys starting having their beer.. haha.. den later after tat.. we combined n play games.. angels n devils.. haha game played earlier when we were waiting at a malay stall.. everyone seem to enjoy it.. lol althou not having perfect matches at all.. hahah guess its their first time n they are so delighted with it.. hahaa. n da funny thing.. lol.. those guys who drank beer.. they had red faces.. n some even had a blur.. mabuk look adi.. haha especially lee seng hoe.. haha.. azizah n some other gals kept laughing non stop.. haha.. i rmb only lydia was one of them laughing so loud.. lol.. but their looks certainly look funny lar.. haha.. all red.. lol really mabuk look adi.. but still play game. lol.. too bad no pics for it.. haa...

hmm.. not much to say bout da games. lol.. well for me... it was bit boring.. lol... cos everyone is still fresh with da game.. still cant get how it works bah.. lol.. not much shouting.. no much conflicts among da players.. lol.. n da angel.. doesnt seem to know his or her job.. lol.. wonder if there is still a chance tat we all play tat game again.. haha..

hmmm at about 2 i guess.. we all left da dining hall..n went back to da dorm n tents.. i got to da tent.. trying to sleep.. but couldnt really sleep.. haha.. havent got used to it.. for da first night.. i guess its like tat.. din really have a nice sleep.. well.. i heard some ppl playing out there.. gals n boys.. lol.. kinda wondered y i din go out n play.. eventhough im tired.. i felt tat its better to spend more time with frenz rather den sleeping.. hahah.. well. im not sure wad time.. i jus doze off into slumberland..

day 2 waiting.. next post.. whoa.. its long eh...

Monday, December 8, 2008

blogs eh..

hahah.. it feels interesting to read some blogs which da author really blogs.. they treat it as their diary.. well almost everything in their mind they write out.. not bearing da consequences if ppl sees it.. of cos not mentioning names.. but it jus give ppl.. readers somewhat like me laugh? giggles? lol..

im jus writing tis cos i jus finished up a newly found blog of a fren of mine.. well she said da blog really tells alottt bout her.. hmm... n i must say wad she said is true.. from tat i got to know kinda lotsa bout her ehh.. lol... interesting indeed.. not tat wad i have thought u shud be.. lol.. well.. i know u would be reading tis... n my guess.. ur pissed off?? lol.. hope u dont blog out in ur blog.. n pls dont mention my name.. haha.. i dont mean to flame u or somewhat lar.. jus feels tats its interesting with ur blog haha...

im seriously glad n happy to get to read ur blog.. yeah.. kinda reminds me of wad i used to be.. somehow rather those words u used on urself.. does apply on me once upon a time.. well i was younger den u are.. naive, stupid, childish (im still one rite now haha), desperate? lol dunno got anot.. lol.. well.. wad shud i really say.. haha jus got to know alottt more bout u.. haha i guess.. i shudnt get into ur personal stuffs.. in an easier way.. i shudnt even read ur blog.. bt sorry eh.. i finished it.. haha.. i guess.. we shud be jus wad we are rite now.. casual.. hahaha calling names.. i like tat.. haha i don think i shud step into ur complicated life. hahaha.

well.. jus to say.. its great to read but not so good to get involved.. haha.. some real business u do in ur blog ehh.. no kiddin hahah.. hope ur fine reading tis thing.. dont kill me... lol.. happy updating..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

my sunday...

its raining ''miao and woofs'' out there.. lol.. talk bout my sunday lol.

lets start it with on 12am.. lol.. i guess i was still on9 at tat moment lol.. dont quite rmb wad i was doing but i know i updated my blog for sure.. da whole night.. while doing some other stuffs.. well.. den had chats with ppl n guiding somebody to be able to play a game without a limit of 60mins.. lol.. it was until 3 tats i went off.. n before tat.. haha i found another blog to folo.. LOL.. would be interesting i guess.. well its according to her...
ahh something i jus rmb.. man.. when i was using da comp.. i heard some noise at da compound.. its like da shoe cupboard is opened or wad.. so i suspected a thief.. well last time i had my RM9 damn old junk slipper stolen.. lol.. n my dads shoes plus some others i guess.. so tis time.. when i turned off da comp.. i went down.. to check if theres anything wrong... well i went down.. opened da door.. i din go out.. jus looked from.. n omg... i heard somebody speaking.. ''watcha doing there''.. tat like soft tone.. sleepy type.. damn.. i was like.. dunno how to describe.. almost get a heart attack.. i looked around n saw nobody.. den i somehow quickly walked up.. but den i saw my UNCLE.. duuh.. waking up from da sofa... aikz... wth... he was sleeping at da sofa.. man it was his sound.. arggh.. really scared da crap outta me... den i asked wad hes doing.. he jus finished some stuffs on da laptop n laid on da sofa tats all.. aikz.. its was 3... i thought he would be in bed already.. man.. real scary.. so i went up to bed.. tats all..

huh.. tis morning.. 10.00am i guess... i woke up.. its considered early i guess.. for a sunday morning.. cos normally i wouldnt wake until somebody callls.. so like always..we went to have our late breakfast.. ipoh garden curry mee.. something like tat.. i used to like curry mee.. tis shop sells famous curry mee too.. but jus one thing.. i didnt like da ''si hamp''.. i usually love it... but i think tis time its too raw for me.. doesnt feel good to me so i din finish all of it..
after tat i wanted to cut my hair.. but mum insisted tat today da shop doesnt have trainees.. FYI.. my hair cuts are always RM3.. trainees cut.. haha.. but i suggested we go to da saloon to have a look.. in town.. when we entered da street.. da shop is jus in front.. i said its tat green colour signboard there.. but he don seem to listen.. n he turned the other way.. i was thinking maybe hes looking for a parking or wad.. den arrived at another saloon which is on another street.. den he asked ''got open anot?''.. i said.. behind street tat one.. n jus suddenly gunung berapi meletup.. he scold like hell.. say im deaf.. mouth cannot talk.. duh... i get a real scold jus becos he didnt listen... duh.. starting to hate my day... but later found out tat no trainees for sunday.. i'll jus have to go tmr..

upon going home.. lazed around.. den on9.. well at around 1.40.. mum asked me to go to Perak Cave with my uncle.. i was thinking.. so early.. haiz.. suan ba.. promised my uncle i'll have walks with him but i did fullfil.. aikz.. we set off.. well kinda got sleepy in da car.. when we arrived.. well ntg much to say.. my uncle take lotsa photographs.. i don even rmb how ''perak tong'' was like.. din know there were so many steps up to da top.. so my uncle, mum n I climbed up da stairs.. steep eh.. but no prob for some guy like me.. but due to short of training adi.. panting for breath.. jus slight pant.. fuhh.. i shud start exercising or training back again leh.. well almost up to da top.. uncle n mum stopped.. cos they said da monkeys look fierce n they go up with me.. i myself went up again.. steep stairs well.. upon reaching.. was kinda like worth da climb.. nice scenery it has.. from da top.. n those rest house built almost at the edge.. really provide a nice view.. but da view.. mostly factory n housing area.. da whole bercham can be seen.. tesco.. jusco.. yeah.. took some pics with my camera.. small ones.. not so good cos my phone outta memory adi..

a mountain view from da top
monkeys at da top.. a mum carrying its baby
some weird flowers at da top
factories.. bercham..

and ''fuo'' my uncle n mum rested in tis area

so at da top part.. it was nice sceneries yeah..some couples were up there... its amazing.. da female didnt have sports shoes on.. n she managed to climb up with her bf.. hmm.. i guess if i were to date.. i guess tis place would be one of it.. haha.. quite nice.. romantic eh.. hahaha.. well.. i sweat alot from all those climbings.. been a while since i climbed so much.. since my leg was so active.. my leg was kinda like shaking.. lol.. maybe lack of warm ups... somehow.. or maybe its stiff adi.. cos long time nvr use so vigorously... lol.. hoo well.. so i went down.. n did some prayers.. n we left perak tong.. da climb was fun lol..

so its was 3.45pm when we left.. was bit early mum said.. so we went to da nearby Gunung Lang.. da recreation park.. i rmb going there when it was still under construction.. well now fully constructed.. we jus went in to see da lake.. from da jetty tats all.. boat ride costs RM2.. we didnt take it.. dont think its worth it.. about 10 mins.. we left there.. when wer leaving.. we saw a malay couple taking wedding photos at da place.. lol.. seems like its a chinese tradition to take wedding photos eh.. now malay also got adi..

well we went to sam poh tong after tat.. i think we arrived at 4.20pm.. guess tat it.. but it was closed already.. well my uncle jus took some photos of da pond.. nicely done eh.. da statues were nice.. well i didnt take any photo at all.. haa.. den later we walked to ''lam tin tong'' jus beside sam poh tong only.. well got in.. saw some stairs.. wanted to climb.. but after climbing to da 1st lvl.. da 2nd lvl was closed.. too late adi.. i saw da steps.. looks nice to climb.. lol.. but too bad.. too late.. din do much at da place.. but lotsa ppl there.. mostly on tours i guess.. but da ppl only sit at da statues.. kids having ice cream.. tats all.. boring eh ipoh..
well after tat.. we were set to go home.. my mum.... haiz.. woman.. parked da car on a mud.. n shes stuck.. aiyoh... so uncle n I pushed da car.. n it moved.. well da car was full of mud.. there.. additional work...

upon home.. it started to rain.. mild rain only.. so i washed da car.. da front tyre.. full of mud.. den it rained.. well.. im soaked.. haha.. i love da rain.. but i get sick easily.. cant play long.. jus finished cleaning da car n i went to have a shower.. i was hungry.. grabbed some chocolates n ate.. didnt help much..

later went to have indian dinner.. haha love it.. i love indian food.. extremely.. but its always jus once in a while.. everyday indian food i guess i'll get bored.. well like always.. i have a naan set with paper thosai.. heavy feast eh.. but i think due to da increasing price of stuffs.. da quantity reduced abit.. but still a heavy feast.. haha.. i love indian spices.. yeah.. nice..

n after dinner.. here i am.. bloggin.. n finished.. geezzz indian spices still at my finger tips.. i ate with my hands.. hahaa..

Secret Garden

secret garden.. newage genre.. one of da genre i started loving when i entered choir.. haha..
well ntg i could really say.. its jus da music tat are nice.. not much singing there.. welll here are some albums.. which i took days to download.. haha.. im happy with da results.. lol

well if u guys visit popular.. u would see a similar album for da pink one.. well tis is da full version n popular is selling da deluxe version.. meaning some songs are not included.. will make it packed with da great songs only.. haha.. tats all i can say.. took me sometime to download all these eh...haha. i'll be enjoying them in my music player..haha

Coldplay.. aussie band..

well.. heres another band.. Coldplay.. i love it.. from da first song i heard.. it was 2002.. ''clocks'' one of my fav song.. i was jus in primary school tat time.. jus feel tat da song is great..

well heres da album i wanna talk bout.. Viva la Vida.. da album art here.. been released tis year.

da song tat i love most.. of cos its for sure da main song.. lol.. viva la vida.. follows da album.. well i came across tis from my bro's phone.. i don actually browse for music.. im not tat updated type.. i jus listen.. n i like it.. i find it.. tats all.. well tis song.. viva la vida.. give me a feel of hope.. like its encouraging me.. lol.. wad genre shud it be eh.. haha.. da real thing is alternative rock.. well for me.. guess it.. energetic?? hahah. heres da lyrics.. love da starting part there.

"Viva La Vida"

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

lol.. wonder if u guys listen to tis song.. well.. cant wonder if i shud get da tracks uploaded in here.. do request if u wan to.. haha.. i'll be delighted to do so.. but its ur prob to load em.. hahaa

music.. Jason Mraz

hmm.. for tis period of time.. maybe shud say for quite some time adi.. i've been listening to some songs.. kinda liek same type over n over again... well first of it.. Jason Mraz.. if u guys know..

da album art..
hmm.. from tis album.. only i knew jason mraz exist.. at first i thought he was a new guy or wad.. well da songs tat made me know him was "I'm Yours".. bet u guys shud know it.. easy listening.. great music.. happy-go-lucky feel. haha... guess wad.. i used to hum tis sing during SPM trials test papers.. lol.. it was damn long time ago ehh.. haha even during spm i do hum.. hahah da song makes me feel relaxed.. happy.. clear.. lol.. so i can answer at a happy mood.. lol.. funny eh.. well until i really look into da lyrics.. only i realised tat its a love song.. lol... not to say definite love towards somebody.. but its like everything.. haha.. great music.
well heres another piece from him.. ''Details In The Fabric".. an emo song i guess.. kinda admire jason mraz.. he makes songs so in contrast eh.. one is in happy mood n one is emo mood.. nice.. nice.. especailly da background guitar.. love it.. seriosuly nice... well u guys shud listen to it.. i have to whole album.. well basically downloaded.. haha.. but stil its an album weh.. lol
heres da lyrics

Details In The Fabric"
(feat. James Morrison)

Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads saying
Breaking yourself up

If it's a broken part, replace it
But, if it's a broken arm then brace it
If it's a broken heart then face it

And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your own name
And go your own way

And everything will be fine
Everything will be fine

Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I'm doing everything

Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything, everything will be fine

Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?

Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.

Yeah everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all

Hold your own
And know your name
And go your own way

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way)
Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine?

Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name)
Hell no reason go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing

Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold

well i forgot something about it.. da song features james morrison.. another singer i love.. maybe its because they produce genres tat i love.. haha..

Saturday, December 6, 2008


haha tis morning.. soon after stevens dinner.. i had a 7 hour sleep n den headed to listen to undang.. lol.. 5 hours session.. ppl said it was boring.. n told us to do our own stuffs.. well.. i wanted to bring my music player along.. but later i decided not.. cos i dont think its good to stuff earphones in ur ear when somebody is talking in front..

so i reached.. with my neighbour.. at 8.30.. about tat.. they told us to reach around tat time.. but we waited long.. at around 9 only da thumb scanning went on... it was late from da schedule.. so our releasing time was late too.. n some guy.. malay.. smoker.. haiz.. came late.. n we were all dragged on...

at first we had colour blind test.. lol.. i did them n some colours were not so clear to me.. especially bright yellow i guess.. so i did all da stuffs.. quite fast eh.. but deep in me i do worry.. lol.. if i saw anything wrong.. kinda panic thou.. but turned out no prob... too bad.. one indian guy.. had prob.. he tried to ask da person beside when da invigilator wasnt looking.. but still he failed.. well.. he was sent to hospital for doc's confirmation den..

fuhh... n so it started.. haha.. so tis guy starting saying bout da class.. haha.. telling us we can sleep all we want.. lol.. tis 5 hours ''class'' is jus a seat to get a cert to go for da test.. so he started talking n explaining da processes.. well i din get asleep.. his speech wasnt boring.. din have da hypnotize effect on me.. haha.. well.. it wasnt really boring... kinda like facts too.. interesting to know some of it..

well had a 20 mins break after tat.. well.. like always i do in school.. SLEEP.. lol.. i slept.. n felt tat i slept for a long time.. but it turned out to be jus 15 mins.. lol.. den da lesson went on... at about 12.. another break.. well tis time they gave us water n bread.. well jus normal stuffs to fill in our stomachs..

haha after tat.. anohter tutor came in.. it was da same invigilator who conducted da colour blind test.. well early morning he looked scary n serious.. but in da class.. he jokes abit but still has da seriousness.. he said we can sleep but he added tat wad he said will be out in da exams.. in a serious tone.. n kinda made us all to be awake.. haha..

well.. i din notice how time flies.. it was quick eh... 3.07pm was da ending time.. n i din felt tat 5 hours was taken off me.. lol.. guess i havent been with books, tables and pens for quite sometime... guess it was boring for me.. haha..

hmm.. im still not sure when i would be taking my test.. i dont know if it tough or easy.. from wad i listened today.. it sounds tough.. fromm my frenz.. they said easy.. well.. dont know eh.. its rm27 per test.. so i cant afford to fail it..

guess tats all for my short update.. FYI.. today.. i mean yesterday.. 6th is my bros birthday.. his bunch of frenz were at home playing Dota at our place.. swt.. a birthday party turn out to be a dota party it seems.. nvm.. its not mine.. hahaa

stevens dinner night.. erm farewell shud say

huuuhh.... tis event was one of da events during da holidays tat i do anticipate.. but not as much as others tat i would have i guess.. din really paid much attention to it actually..

well it was yesterday tat tis dinner went on.. venue.. Casuarina Hotel.. its one of da hotel i don quite visit.. i mean dont passby.. bla bla.. its somehow i guess da 2nd highest class hotel in ipoh?? if im not wrong?? 1st shud be syuen izzit?? lol.. dont care much bout it..

so da dinner starts at 6.00pm.. well its eating session for 2 hours.. welll... my mum.. who insist tat i folo ppl's car.. which i feel tat not so good cos we are not fetching ppl back.. moreover.. my neighbour has to drive some other ppl... well.. tat made me getting admonished by my mum.. saying tat i wan ''face''.. don wan ppl to fetch.. got own car.. duhhhhh.. really dont know y she thinks like tat... da fact is i nvr even thought of tis fact... haiz. first disappointment...

n so i followed my neighbours car.. well they kinda took off EARLY... 5.35pm.. well to me its darn early.. if i were to go on my own.. i bet i'll jus take off around 6 sumthing.. well along da journey my fren took 2 more passangers.. well its my neighbours schoolmates.. da way they look like.. a gal n a boy.. da gal.. well.. so yellow in a dress.. n im din pay much attention to her face.. jus caught a glimpse n i saw.. omg.. damn red... those powder.. stuffs.. haiz.. one dinner changes everyone.. especially gals.. i dont even recognize almost everyone at da first sight.. can say.. 99%... well for boys.. trying to look man... coats.. formals.. well.. modern formal.. not jus plain ones..
back to da car.. well after like 2 mins leaving da 2 guys hse.. da guy sounded.. ''aiyah, forgot to bring my ticket''... so da driver.. my neighbours sis.. turned back... few secs later.. bout 10 i guess.. da guy takes out his wallet n check.. ''aik.. got bring got bring.. sorry..''.. i was like swt... turn adi... shud have checked before u said din bring.. zha dou... n ntg jus.. went round da corner... tats all.. wonder how my frenz sis thinks.. lol..

hoo.. so arrived.. we even stopped at da front lobby.. lol.. ppl are waiting for their frenz there... look so awkward to go down infront of them.. kinda look like some big shots.. lol.. like wad i do i jus walked down.. n look for my frenz.. walked up.. n went to da dining place.. i saw da ppl.. whoa.. all look so smart eh.. coats.. blazers especially.. back to my hse.. my mum even scolded me cos i wore a slag.. tats all.. swt....
talk bout da food.... initially.. during da tt days.. steven.. my teacher lar.. said tat we shud use 7 plates. lol.. its a buffet dinner.. so i thought it was some high class food.. wad-so-ever.. but it turned out.. wth.. 4 dishes.. main lar.. with rice... omg... 7 plates la.. impossible.. lol.. went to took some food.. little only.. trying to fullfil stevens order of 7 plates.. hahaha.. but finished da plate.. i dont feel like eating adi.. dunno y... jus don feel like taking anymore.. i wasnt full.. but i guess da water.. juice.. made me feel full.. lol.. i jus sat.. with my frenz.. ah.. looking at each other.. ''blowing'' at each other.. ntg much.. den dont know wad tis.. we went down to da lobby.. sat on da sofa.. chairs.. looking at each other.. waiting for da ballroom to be opened..

well da time came.. we entered da ballroom.. chairs were arranged nicely.. well.. from seats A-Z.. each row having to accommodate 24.. do da calculation... steven has about 600 form 5 students only.. wow.. damn ''fat'' lar.. hmm so i sat with my frenz initially.. wasnt my seat.. cos ppl werent in yet so i jus sat n chatted..after tat.. ppl start pouring in.. so i sat at my place.. with my frenz who helped booked.. after a while another gang of buddies.. which are my classmates.. came.. n requested to switch places.. n they told me it was their fren who booked.. aiya.. haiz.. nvm jus change.. n i cant see my other frenz faces change also.. wadever. n so i changed my place.. since theres an empty place at another frenz place.. so i jus sat there..

so it started.. firstly it was da video presentation by my frenz beside me.. they made it.. great vid editors.. well of cos da vid was great.. lotsa applause for sure.. kinda like a good start.. so it went on.. bla bla. details i dont wanna talk so much.. after tat it was some performances.. man it was damnnn boring.. i dont even know wad it has to do with da farewell night.. some sketch n den ended with singing.. which nobody is entertaining da guy upstage.. n it was so.. aiyoh.. n MC said.. it was sam tet n amc guys.. man.. really malu lar..den wad stupid magic show.. wanted to take some ppl upstage to test.. nobody volunteered.. n da host.. wasted time.. i was playing game when it was going on.. failure.. boring till ppl rather go n have some desserts behind.. almost everyone are out of their seats.. haha.. when approaching da end.. had some great performances.. one of them is da PGS gals.. i must nice.. their performance is meant for us to laugh.. lol... i rather like those compared to performance wanting us to be impressed.. ahh.. in da middle of them theres some wad beauty contest.. swt.. wad is has to do with da night lar... wasting our time.. n ppl up there stand on stage.. catwalks.. duh... wasting time really ... back to da end.. really great performance.. n da stage performance ended with a great sketch i must say.. really funny n memorable.. a ''gou lou'' acted as a woman.. haha damn real n nice.. da MC said.. potential in thailand.. sure find big money.. haha well i was impressed with tat..

den bla bla.. prize giving.. really ntg to do with us.. some speeches as well.. ntg really interests me.. don wanna talk so much adi.. haiz.. elaborating too long.. not good for readers.. well it ended with photographing sessions.. with stevens.. among students.. of cos im jus alone lar.. haha.. so i found another fren who lives nearby.. i jus asked if can tumpang his car.. n yeah he said.. phew.. at last.. dont have to tumpang a strangers car lo.. but... aikz.. tat guy wanted to take pic with steven.. darn.. he din went upstage.. wasting time with his frenz.. they din wanna berebut in da crowd.. so they wait till last min.. n at last i became da camera man.. n den i jus reach home at 12.50am.. tats all

well da conclusion part..
how'dy.. well... to be frank kinda disappointed with da dinner.. da food.. da performance.. etc.. most of da things.. but luckily some of them was still good.. hmm.. thinking back.. kidna regretted not taking pic with steven.. wonder if he rmbs me at all.. if u guys do read my old posts... something which made me had personal sessions with him.. n he might rmb a student who has tis prob.. haha.. guess its over.. n maybe he has even forgotten about me..

well i this tis is so far da longest i ever blogged eh.. lol.. sorry guys for da long whintered stuffs.. hahaa

Thursday, December 4, 2008


man... tmnet is seriously nut... shud change to tmnut.. man it took me about more den 30 mins to get it connected... well da dsl status.. everything is stable... is already connected.. established adi.. but still not connection.. damn.. i tried to restart da modem numerous time but it wont work.. damn.. i tried calling tm.. FYI.. da number to call is 100... dne have to press press stuffs... but darn.. da operators are out... all busy.. wonder wad da heck they doing.. drinking tea or goyang kaki.. or maybe sleeping.. grr... yesterday i called.. n they jus asked me to restart n it worked.. wonder wad did they do with it..

streamyx.. wonder wad da stupid name means.. stream.. yx.. does it mean it da connection is slower den a stream flow?? bet it is... its really not reliable.. malaysia services really sucks.. man.. da connection us got dead.. luckily revive adi..

needless to say.. streamyx is shit... unreliable.. not good.. bla... all negative stuffs on it lar.. but still malaysia has da only fastest internet connection.. really dunno how they are gonna match with other countries.. at jap.. my bros place.. its 20 times faster den wad we have here..

haiz.. malaysia.. mmg.. speechless... well i hope da ISA don see tis.. if not i'll be in taiping...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Boring... n upcomings

holidays.. really friggin boring eh... im stuck in da house... my comp cant do games.. i dont anybody to chat with.. even yes it wouldnt be taking up all my boring free time.. aikz...

now i feel rather going to school den staying at home.. all i do at home.. is only... ntg... practically ntg.. i have ntg to do eh... wonder how u ppl spend ur free time... well at da moment i feel like taking up reading.. LOL.. dunno how it came to my mind.. haha.. my house has lotsa lotsa books.. mostly are kiddos n old books.. but most of them are left on da shelf to rot.. lol.. hmm.. i'll see if theres any book tat interests me den.. haha..

holidays.. i've jus registered myself for driving lesson... well.. tat din really matter.. lol.. dont know y.. i jus cincai cincai do it... before tis i was so eager to get a licence.. well.. i'll still be looking forward to it.. hope i dont get any trouble in passing..

well yeah.. next tues i'll be off to pangkor.. kinda anticipating it.. but it would be jus a 3 days trip.. too short i guess.. wished it was like 1 week or so... lol.. impossible.. hahaa.. but before tat.. tis friday is gonna be a dinner for me... i kept my hair long for tis occasion.. lol..ppl say i look good in long hair so i jus followed ppl.. well myself don like long hair to be frank.. it kinda amuses me.. n its hot.. n i always get sick when i have long hair.. tat has been proven from da last posts... cant wait for da dinner to end n get my hair cut short to da pangkor trip.. haha.. short hair would look more masculine rite?? haha..
hmm i still have no idea wad to wear for tis upcoming dinner.. all da while im not a good at clothing stuffs.. wad i wear are jus simple comfortable stuffs.. n i get comments n admonish from my frenz sometimes.. those telling me to wear better lar.. ''how come tis match tis'' stuffs.. lol.. im seriously not good at all these.. so wad to wear tis fri?? gonna crack my head.. if i cant crack it.. i guess i'll go in simple again.. well i hope i make a good choice.. cos da dinner has lotsa gals.. lol.. majority tat i do not even know... lol.. so lets see if theres anybody gonna peep on me.. hahhaa.. feeling like upgrading my sex appeal.. lol.. easier to say.. 'fad hou' adi.. hahhaa..

well.. still its a boring holiday.. boring boring... everynight i get on da comp till very late.. which is not healthy.. very unhealthy.. i prefer school life where i would sleep at 12.. lol... tat would be better.. n i don get to da magnetic screen in front of me so often.. haha..

till next time.. ppl.. geezzzzzz

Monday, December 1, 2008


blah... its kinda like an outdated activity of mine.. well last friday... da 28th.. i went to penang... i was very reluctant actually.. cos i don like travelling in da car... n plus with a family who doesnt talk to each other.. how to bear with da ride... so i was kinda forced to go for da trip..

well at first.. ntg to talk in da car.. my music player accompanied me.. well listening to music while travelling kinda makes da time pass by alot faster.. 1 song is like 4 mins.. n da journey was 1 hours n 30 mins.. well.. its like listening to around 25 tracks n tats it.. lol.. but i din get to listen to 25 tracks i guess.. cos i wasnt on da player all da time.. lol..

well upon arriving to penang.. we went straight to settle some stuffs... which is to be done to be outstation.. but in da end.. it did not succeed.. some documents were missing well.. haiz... wasted journey.. petrol.. everything haiz..

after tat... we went to some place to get something to eat.. well u all shud know.. penang is a eating haven.. ''char koey teow'', ice kacang, laksa... man last time i tasted da laksa.. was damn delicious.. i rmb i had 3 bowls of it last time.. but for tis.. we only got to taste char koey teow n ice kacang.. but i could only have charkoey teow.. due to my ulcer.. haiz.. ulcers makes everything bad.. hate them... well.. da charkoeyteow guy.. was damn yeng.. he wears a shades like those ice skiing ones.. it covers da whole eye.. but his charkoeyteow... wasnt tat really nice to me.. n he is very lanci... maybe he thinks he has lotsa customer so he didnt care.. it took us 45 mins to wait for his plate... aikz.. wads special is jus da prawns.. tehy are big.. its almost like 3 times as big as my thumb.. but da taste.. okay ler.. i could have tat kind of taste in ipoh too.. n its way cheaper.. in penang almost everywhere.. it wad RM5.50 per plate.. whoa.. expensive...

well after tat we went for gurney plaza... i cut out da driving stuffs... da journey.. some missing roads.. blah blah blah.. gurney plaza.. at first from da outside it was damn big.. 7 storeys tall.. i thought it would be very nice.. but later it turned out to be boring as well.. its jus like da parade we have.. mostly accommodate teenagers.. kiddos.. tats all.. well da special thing is tat every floor is jus like one section.. 1 floor is mainly for health.. 1 is gadgets.. 1 is garments.. den blah blah.. well i din get to go to every nook n corner.. cos it was kinda big.. compared to shopping malls in ipoh lar.. but it wasnt any interesting.. well before leaving only i found out tat theres a popular bookstore.. eekk.. i shud have went there n read sumthing instead..

after tat it was evening liao.. so we went to a friend's house where my canadian uncle is staying there for a holiday.. man.. i must say.. da place was damn nice.. spacious.. windy... facing da beach.. nice wave sounds.. dman.. like heaven eh.. da price.. 2.8mil... LOL... tats one BIG money... well here are some pic i took.. n its my first time uploading pic on blogger.. it was fast eh.. lol.. i'll try to do some more pic bloggin next time.. haha..

Heres beach+city from da balcony evening time.

da beach+city same as da top one at night
da sea from da balcony.. damn nice n windy..

well.. basically my parents had some chat.. n we also found out tat da charkoeyteow we had wasnt da popular one.. da popular one was another shop from da same street but less ppl only.. da shop where we had ours was not tat good.. but cos it has lotsa variety.. n many ppl.. so we went there...

well after tat.. dinner time.. da owner from da hse.. brought us to a nearby seafood restaurant.. we had kinda like a nice feast.. unlike those normal seafood.. da food here is special.. lol.. tomyam in a kelapa.. den got sweet sour den small stingray.. i dont think its called stingray gua.. dunno wad name.. it jus look like one n its small.. den we ate SNAIL.. lol.. not those garden snail we usually see lar.. its sea snail.. dunno how it looks like but it stil look like da normal snail.. well.. it does not have any special taste.. in fact not much taste.. but da texture is da thing.. very.. ''elastic'' lol... cant break it off... lol.. well it was nice.. i did eat kinda like enuf.. but cant do alot.. ULCERS problem again... haiz...

after tat.. 9pm.. we headed to ipoh.. with my canadian uncle too.. well one man heavier tats all.. n being da youngest i had to sit in da middle seat.. which was not comfortable.. haiz.. i hate travelling on car.. haiz..

holiday sick.. duh..

well yesterday.. yippe.. me.. was sick... aduh.. my day started off with me waking up in 6.35am.. going into da toilet to vomit... damn.. it was like my full stomach.. everything out.. i kinda felt like those gastric juice everything coming out... n den.. diarrhoea comes... as u guys know.. wad diarrhoea means n wad da products i guess.. aikz... i think it was da night before.. i ate lotsa those chinese limau.. called ''gam''.. something like tat.. if u guys know lar.. i ate i think 5 of them.. little ones.. i was too hungry.. plus da dinner was goreng ''liuu''.. like those eaten with noodles.. n den plus da night.. i went for a drink with a fren n da ''loh hon kor'' was kinda outta taste.. N den.. went for cybercafe.. which was kinda like a bad environment.. talking bout those smoke smell.... n den... maybe online till 4 in da morning.. haha playing poker.. loll.. got ''wind'' in da stomach.. i guess..

den da morning comes... i had fever.. dunno y everytime diarrhoea comes with fever.. is it like a must.. they both are kawan or wad.. man it was like... penta-blow....(lol. dunno use ngam mou.. means 5 lar)... first it was ULCERS... damn it.. its really f***ing pain lo... i cant even eat properly... it was damn pain... even brushing teeth is a problem.. fever... i had to wrap up myself with jacket.. den with blanket. in my room.. trying to sweat out... its my self medication which always works.. but tis time din really work out well.. cos i wasnt fully okay.. guess da process had my Uphamol 650 missing.. its a kind of headache tablet lar... panadol im allergic with... so cant take.. ahh.. den diarrhoea.. let me recall.. guess i visited da toilet 7 times.. i guess so... in the end.. only water came out.. its like as if i nvr went to da toilet... well vomiting.. not much.. but it was a painful process tat time... n i personally hate vomit stuffs... i vomit myself when i see vomitted stuffs... well it was sorethroat den... wonder how it came.. but it was jus uneasy too.. tat night we went for a seafood restaurant.. da food.. i could only try a little... but da food was great... damn... really missed out a nice feast ler.. haiz..

well for now... i think im 98% percent recovered.. after a tablet after dinner.. tis morning was only 90%.. luckily i had a little rest.. guess tat helped abit.. well.. i hope i don get anymore of these... i wan my immune system to be better.. im really a weak person let.. haiz.. how to be tougher eh... really hope i dont get all these during my trips.. anywhere as long as im not at home... well i wasted a full yesterday.. but nvm.. im really too free.. sometimes maybe it shud be occupied with some of these events i guess... hahha

guess tats all for now.. today i read da newspaper n found a book called.. ''blogging for dummies'' wonder if i shud get one copy of it.. cos i really dont know wad to blog.. lol..

Thursday, November 27, 2008

oh ya forgot tis..

ULCERS IN MY MOUTH!!! 3 of them.. 1 big one... 2 small ones.. DAMN PAINNNNN arrgghhhh...

hm.. incoming activities?

hmm.. long break.. really a long break.. well.. its 5 month holidays at least for me.. a guy whos jus finished his spm.. which he thinks he did well.. but is da result really tat he hoped for.. he does not know.. it would be revealed in da next 6 months after his long break..

ah well.. wad hes gonna do for da break... first things first.. get a liciense first.. haha.. but still dunno when would he be getting.. lol..
well before spm ended.. i was actually asked.. by my mum to help out at my dad's office... but i didnt wan.. cos its almost da worst job in da world.. no pay.. no entertainment.. everyday on da comp.. typing.. tats all.. tats wad my dad did to his 2nd son.. which is my bro.. which caused him to be rebellious.. n so.. last holidays da hse broke into a cold war.. hooo...

well tis year.. i dont know.. i really don hope tat.. i wished i could do some other simply jobs.. where i could meet more ppl... learn something.. hmm.. ive been thinking of getting a job in da bakery.. i wanna learn how to bake bread.. i love bread... hahaha. i was inspired by a blog which da blogger makes cupcakes.. they are so tantalizing.. kinda made me feel like making them.. for wad purpose?? lol.. learn sumthing tat no boys would learn.. haha tats partially an idea which ran thru my mind.. but still da love of learning some skills still takes up most of my choice.. haha wonder if theres any shop who would hire a guy who wants to learn how to bake n he does not have ANY experience at all.. lol.. wonders.. i hope got lol.. if anybody knows.. inform me.. haha...

well now.. talk bout my upcoming stuffs.. well.. pangkor would be my first activity of da holidays.. lol.. kinda looking forward to it n not looking forward to it at da same time.. activites pull me in but with my non-sociable skills.. i might be bored to death.. n also my parents.. which complains alot.. well.. activites there.. repelling? dunno if its spelled right, snorkelling.. ive done before.. kayaking!! one of da most anticipated.. hope i enjoy my time there.. lol.. well.. hope it would turn out to be a good trip.. good experience i guess.. n maybe get myself to be mroe sociable.. proactive like somebody says?? lol.. wil be be leveled up after da trip? hahah

hmm i think im outta ideas adi eh.. lol till next time lar.. readers.. see ya.. im damn bored...

exam is over.... things i realised..

tanggal 27th november 2008.. SPM 2008 is over.. me.. a candidate for SPM.. if free of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.. but still havent get da result lar.. lol..

well... i actually.. cant believe.. its over.. really unbelievable tat im not gonna see my frenz liao.. last day of school... whoa.. will i ever step into da school anymore.. well i hope not..
ahh. today last paper.. n was a unhappy paper as well.. everyone shud be delighted.. but nobody is as excited as wad we have always wanted to be after da exams.. wonder y... nobody shouts.. no screams.. ntg.. everyone jus walked out da exam hall as if ntg happened.. its over man!! over adi!! but nothing reallly happened.. lol.. wad happened ehh...

talk about todays paper ba... est.. damn.. i couldnt finish da essay.. my time management wasnt good... i guess lack or practice is da prob... 45min for a 4 paged long essay is certainly not enuf... maybe i din time myself well.. n so i missed out da conclusion... i was really really not in mood when da exam was over.. ppl were smiling.. having a ''phew''.. be me.. frustrated.. worried look.. haiz.. i wanted A for tis.. A A A A A A A A A A .... i wan AAAAA for est... arhhh.... god.. help me.. i wan A.....................

haiz.. wad i aimed for spm.. 10A's.. my phone stated.. A's... but now.. i think it would most probably be 9 only... i hope wad i hoped for will be granted.. but still most importantly.. i don wanna get into form 6.. i wan scholarships.. i don wan my parents to spend money on me anymore.. like my 2 bros.. they did not burden my parents.. n i cant be da one who burdens my parents... arrggh... i don wan.... if i have no choice.. form 6 is gonna greet me...

so wad i realised thruout tis stage? spm? 11 yrs of education? hmm..
well one thing i relised tis morning.. da school textbooks are very interesting to read. LOLZ!
da pics, da words, everyhting is in an interesting way. unlike reference books.. they are all cramped up.. numbers in sequence.. n all are da syllabus.. well da textbooks have like various corners tat give various info lol.. haha kinda regretted not utilising all those

n da 2nd thing.. i realised tat i have been under malaysian education for da past 11yrs.. whoa.. cant imagine tat it ended now.. well.. wad to say bout it.. malaysian education.. to me... ''shucks''? think so.. da system.. everything.. is like against ppl who arent bookworms.. n they only cater bookworms which feast on books only.. haha.. if ur a book worm.. u can swallow da whole book.. distinction is urs adi.. tats wad i think.. haha.. don fire me.. n hope da government doesnt see tis.. if not i'll be in ISA.. under akta keselamatan dalam negara.. whoa.. im really a MORAL SIFU eh.. hahaha.. to: anak murid, rmb ISA is tat akta lol..

hmm.. wad to say ler.. well.. i get it into another post.. diff title

Saturday, November 22, 2008

well well..

well.. 2.15A.M in da morning... some lizard jus pass 45cm infront of me.. near da window... i hope i could be like it.. loiter in da night.. no worries.. jus run around.. look for food.. no studies.. no spm for him.. so syok.. wonder how it feels to be a lizard... lol.. sticking up to walls especially.. haha..

well well.. lets see.. my parent are asleep.. i tried to study.. i studied.. well finish chapter 8 of form 4 bio.. dynamic ecosystem.. wonder if it went to my brain.. i was damn tired.. but i kept on reading.. studying.. revising.. wad so ever.. 27th of NOV. 5 days away.. tats gonna be da end..da end.. but in thsoe 5 days.. disaster i guess.. i hope not.. hope its not a disaster for me... bio, phy, chinese, est.. my priority subject.. bio n physics.. well 4 of these subjects are at da bottom list of da SPM slip.. tats y they are da last ones in da exam..

so... wad have i done so far.. in 3 days of.. rest? nope.. play? nope.. study? not really.. wasting time?
think so.. probably.. aiseh.. friday, sat n sunday.. free day before da 4 paper look at my face.. wad have i done so far. i dont know.. friday ended well.. now its sat.. 0222 hours of sat rite now.. im on da friggin computer... actually.. i was thinking.. is it necessary to write my blog... y da heck im updating it during da exam period.. i shud be sleeping.. resting.. or maybe with my books!! wondering.. how come i made a blog.. how come i would stay awake jus to update tis thing.. haiz.. really dont know.. influenced by teenagers of 21st century.. yeah i think so.. arhh.. crapss...

actually serisouly.. i dont know wad am i doing rite now.. i really have no idea y im updating tis.. n i have no idea wad to write. so u guys jus read some craps bah...
talk aobut yesterday.. friday.. one whole day.. u know wad.. i only finished 2 chapters of da bio syllabus.. wow shit.. freaking slow man.. i wasted one whole day.. lemme think wad i done.. i woke up at 9... laze around till 10.. got up.. rdy for da day.. breakfast.. hmm.. den paper.. den i went up my room.. study.. as always.. i get sleepy during da morning.. wtheck is wrong with me lar... haiz.. sit down.. open book read.. sleepy.. shit... hands get itchy.. play some games.. yeah i won da stupid tournament in da tennis game.. yeah im ranking no.1... wad da hell.. y da game nvr ends.. im ranking no. 1 adi.. addicted to it... really wanna f*** myself for getting into it.. ah wadever.. den i forgot wad happend till afternoon

well.. lunch time.. makan... den went up.. sit down.. cant focus again!!.. den my parents went out... wow.. went down.. took a dvd.. xXx.. not porn.. triple X... movie.. watched on da friggin computer.. wasted 1 hour plus i guess.. althou its express movie im doing.. well den.. i off comp.. it was about 5 i think... as u know.. getting on da comp gets u tired.. when im tired. cant study adi.. den i lay on da bed.. tryign to sleep.. but cant sleep.. damn... listen to music.. play phone AGAIN!! arrggghhh.. when will i be able to control myself..

dinner.. after dinner. went up.. tried to study again.. did some.. but still feeling tired.. wanted to get online.. n at last.. had da chance.. 10 sumthing.. online.. till 12.30 i guess?? chatted.. hmm.. at least somebody to borak with...
kinda need ppl to chat with these few days.. my sms mate is outstation... really miss my mate.. wanna msg... but dunno find who.. dont have a msg mate like one im having but unavailable atm... haiz...

n well so.. i ended up here.. i guess it enuf.. too long for me i think.. n maybe its stupid.. haha.. wadever.. jus write wad i wan.. n nvr think of it..

Friday, November 14, 2008

NO idea...

haiz... exam gone by for 3 days.. 4 subjects are down.. 7 yet to come.. tough ones i guess.. science.. add math.. chinese.. est... those which i dont normall score in my school exams.. but ppl said getting an A is very easy... wonder if its true.. but still i do to my very best n make sure i know everything.. but i cant seem to tackle everything.. except for mathematics.. da paper is over n im damn sure its gonna be an A1..

well... its a short break for us... till next tues.. well not really a break i guess.. certainly not for me.. i have yet to touch those incoming subjects.. which is gonna be so scary.. in such a short time.. i gonna have to study everything... will i be able to do it.. haiz.. nobody knows.. perhaps god knows n HE decides.. i seriously hope he decides tat im gonna get 10A's for me.. really hope.. pray... arggh...

these few days of break havent been good to me.. my mum give me lectures.. she sees me laying on da bed or with my phone most of da time.. she said i aint studying at all.. HELL NO!.. ive been struggling.. but i cant keep on going... so i gave myself a break.. n most of da time.. she sees me with my break time.. tats da cause.. well today i got a rough seriously rough lecture form her... from da morning... n den dinner time.. double blow for dinner time.. dad added some lines of his again.. rough ones again... haiz... i certainly hope tis is gonna be over.. 2 weeks... i'll have to endure...

for now.. ive been on chemistry which will be on da next thurs.. chemistry is my worst subject of all.. not counting in chinese... i seriously dont und those stuffs... its like too complicated to me.. im like thinking too much too far.. ppl say its jus very easy.. da basics of chemistry.. for me.. i keep thinking.. for tis chapter i learn tat tis is how it works.. but in other chapters... i cant seem to apply wad i learnt in da previous chapters.. i wonder wads wrong.. am i really tat weak to und them... or its jus every chapter doesnt have relation.. for for those formula.. blah blah blah.. damn i hate to see those equations.. da equation is da root of all answers.. tak tau equation.. BYE to u... n now ive been having difficulties studying it.. i cant jus study n read.. i wanna und.. apply to everything.. but i cant seem to do it.. tat kinda lags my time.. keep thinking of it.. haiz... y da hell im like tat.. pls.. help me..

n one more thing.. my freaking phone is giving me all da prob... i dont know y i kept playing da games when studying... its like 10 mins relaxation.. but sometiems its gone to 1 hour!! damn.. wad can i do.. i dont wanna delete them... n i dont wanna play them... anyone can help me in tis... keep my eye still on da books.. da notes.. n not da freaking phone.. arrgghhh...

i wan my mind to be cleared!! cleared!! no mind no mind.. i dont wan my mind to conquer me.. i wan myself to conquer me.. i wanna overcome myself.. 10A's!!!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

SPM fever..

In jus 1 more day.. 1 day.. 24 hours... 1440minutes.. 86400 seconds.. my life.. 1st stage.. 11 years of studies.. everything will end.. in jus 24 hours.. ENDDDD.. another stage is awaiting me... another level of life.. which i think i could handle... but am i really capable of handling it... im having tat mixed feelings rite now.. my frenz... we are going to split.. in fact.. i dont really have much frenz.. close ones i guess.. are we gonna be strangers in da future?? im not sure... haiz...

back to my original topic i guess.. like i said in 1 more day... im gonna go for a battle i prepared for years.. years of preparation is gonna end in tis 9 days... fuhhh... cant imagine.. im 17 adi.. wow.. wad have i done in my entire life..
ahhh.. gone out of da topic again...

SPM.. im not sure if im really prepared for it.. i've been studying hard for these few days.. only on subjects i didnt do well in my trials.. to be specific.. history.. da only subject.. i've been working hard but im not sure if da hardwork is effective.. to be frank.. i dont think it effective.. all i did was jus read read read.. can i really rmb da facts i dont know... wad i shud do was to copy out da notes.. short ones.. i tried.. but i was too lazy.. too tired of it.. time is getting short.. haiz..
jus whining about myself.. i jus hope i do well... da science subjects.. i have yet to touch them.. da intervals.. are they enuf for me to go thru them.. argghh.. i dont know.. everytime i look at my timetable.. i feel like.. relaxed.. still got time.. still got time.. got time to study.. dont worry.. but is it really wad my mind thinks? i dont know ler... im abit afraid.. n i dont know y.. mixed up.. hell it aint good.. i cant focus at all...

currently.. 5.05pm.. i studied in da morning.. but i cant focus rite now... wad shud i do... jus felt like expressing myself.. ahh GOD... help tis poor kid... hes lost.. lost... lost... wad shud he do.. how to clear his mind.. give him an empty.. no mind.. no thinking.. no problems.. jus let him study.. tats all he wants.. focus.. concentration.. peace for him.. serenity in him..

Sunday, November 2, 2008


frustration is bugging me rite now.. i dont know wads da frust.. but its jus pulling my mood down... i need somebody to raise me up from tis.. haiz..

frustration.. sadness... moody..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

weee add math.. lol

hahha.. since da incident.. which was told in da last post..

i kinda fell in love with add math.. hahaha.. add math.. is going to be da normal maths to me..
see question know wad to do liao..
guess its really true practice makes perfect.. lol. i did lotsa question n sometimes i get bored of it too.. in school.. when i see ppl do add math.. i would kinda interfere n do their work.. lol.. n maybe i made some enemy... for they are not happy tat i stole away their pride.. haha.. but wadever.. its jus my progress tat matters..

well.. i really havent been able to go online tis few days.. been kinda really busy n don have time to on9 adi.. everyday study progress thru da night till about 1 or 2 am.. once it was 3.40am i rmb.. fuuh.. to study everything is certainly not easy.. especially during last hours...

i think im not gonna get long.. as i have to get studying again adi.. 12 more days to go.. till my last march.. hope for da best.. strive for 10As!! u can do it!! YESH!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

add math freak!!!

lol.. dont know to be happy or unhappy with tis post tim.. earlier yesterday i was unhappy but today im fine.. so jus let wadever come to my mind voice out ba. lol

well well.. yesterday i went for tt.. add math extra class.. i told my mum tat i would be late cos i wanna ask sum questions.. aikz.. ended up my mum came up da tt centre.. aduh.. she thinks my add maths is very very very bad.. ( da fact is its my worst subject). she wants a personal tutor for me.. n she insisted on asking my tt teacher to give me personal classes... aiyoh... i told her tat my tt teacher dont give personal classes.. but she kept on insisting.. aikz..
so she went to da teachers room.. aiyoh.. without even caring about da students inside asking question.. really no manners for me.. at least wait till they are finished first lar.. haiyo.. den da talking or discussion session started.. my mum was.. boasting.. dunno wad word to use.. about my add math.. im more like worse den ever... i admit because i didnt prac well before da exams.. n during da trials.. i relaxed during da paper as it was da last paper.. aiyah.. after da first paper.. i regret adi... i get so low marks tat i was scared so i pumped thru paper 2 which saved me.. so it turn out.. my p2 is better den p1.. almost 3 times.. swt... but normally ppl would be good at p1 n not p2... my case.. is like lol.. dunno wad to say...
i think tat proves tat im still good in add math bah... i can work out p2 better den p1.. it was jus my careless n relax mind made my p1 so bad... tats y now im doing da exercises... but not all of it.. but when my mum talks like im so bad.. i jou kena... my teacher.. requested me to do all da exercises he gave.. almost 8 sets of it.. with 25 questions each.. wahseh dead man...
i have finished only 2 n half set.. before tis happen.. tat means i have to work out 5 and half set more.. give lo.. n i have to pass up those work on sunday.. oh shit.. god.. my whole week.. gonna be with add math only.. how bout my other subjects arh... ahh.. wat to do lar... im soo dead ...

Friday, October 24, 2008

I hate.. K.W.Yip

i hate mee... myself.. i dont know y... i jus dont know y.. i hate myself..
im more like a useless fella... some guy who breaks so easily n get his mood swing so easily..
im not better den other ppl.. in almost everything.. ntg im really good at... seriously ntg..
when am i gonna realise my real me.. wads inside in me tat nobody has.. seriously dont know... i dont know....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

add math...

add math... my worst subject.. a subject tat i don like.. i dont know y n i cant master it at all.. i did not do well in da trials.. normally in every exam i nvr do well... i get C all da time n i nvr touched A... haiz... i've been doing lotsa prac on it.. well to be frank.. i shud say ive been wasting my time in scrambling my brain for ways on solving da questions.. n i took a lot of time thinking thinking thinking.. but still ended up wrong..

i wonder y am i so weak in add math.. in mod maths.. i can do well solve well.. almost ntg is hard for me in mod maths.. but in add maths.. twisting n turning da formulae.. applying.. solving.. so many stuffs.. steps.. 1 step wrong ur gone... maybe my brain is da direct type.. i cant twist n turn about da formulae... cant think of any other ways except applying formulae i guess.. haiz.. i really dont know wad to do about it.. even basic formulae i cant master them... log.. functions... i still aint sure about them..

im writing bout tis cos today.. i was kinda pissed off with my add math teacher.. he.. is a guy.. very arrogant i suppose.. da way he talks.. he writes.. everything is very sombong.. i dont like his attitude.. he looks down on ppl instead of helping them... da thing im not happy about him is his teaching.. he writes soo tiny n da words are blur... he writes as if he nvr uses energy in writing... im sitting on da last row.. n i look around n ppl sitting in da last row are just doing their own things.. some like me.. pretending to listen to him.. but seriously dont know wad hes teaching..

haiz.. it seems like.. my add maths is not improving at all.. wad shud i do.. more pracs?? or wad.. or maybe get a book with chapters n do it all over again.. arrgghh somebody help me with add maths....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

my hated sunday...

all i wanna say tat i jus cant tahan my parents lecture...

from da moment i got into da car after tuition till i have lunch n get home.. i get lectures from them... everything about my studies... results results results..
they say i don get good marks cos i nvr study... i admit i don put lotsa effort but for tis trial i realy put effort adi n i did score well... not tat high but at least some great improvements... i don know y they cant judge me by my improvement.. all they wan is jus A.... n i get compared with my bros... they are all settled down but im da only one left.. the way they lecture is really frustrating.. they wan me to become like some study nerd who only study study study.. they compare with those ppl who get good results only.. y cant dey see me on other aspects... i have sports... music... stuffs tat da nerds dont have... y does result matter so much..

bak home.. i cried... tears... thinking of it makes me feel like da unluckiest boy alive... y me... y tis family.......

Saturday, October 18, 2008

talk about my saturday..

been a week since i updated my blog ler...

well jus a small update i guess...

well its sat... as always.. i have 2 tuition to attend today ler...
early morning i woke at 8.. but napped tiill 8.50... only im fully awake... so i got myself on da shower... but downstairs.. da washing machine is running so i had to wait n bear with da slow water... aikz... really hate tis problem... kinda slows me alot... wasting time in da bathroom..
after tat.. i took some time to get my clothes.. dunno wad to wear.. cos im going for a movie after my tt.. max payne.. im gonna talk about it later.. i ran out of idea so i jus wore my birthday gift from a fren... i didnt wanna wear it.. kinda reluctant.. ''ngen seh dak''..

well got my breakfast.. aikz.. not a good one.. a curry ikan bilis puff... i thought my mum said wad chicken puff.. aikzz. it was abit hot.. n i don like hot stuffs in da morning... but luckily i like puffs.. so its jus balanced up for me... n den i folo my dad to tt ler.. as always...
but today.. early morning i get lecture in da car.. haiz... i told my dad im not going back... he said y waste time go for a movie.. u din study at all.. always play.. compare urself with ur bros lar... haiz... really cannot tahan him again... my mind was like... i;ve been studying all night n u din see it urself!!... really wanna shout it out at him... but i din... knowing tat he would add even more.. so i din quarrel.. im suffering all these in silence.. haiz..

i got to tt place kinda early.. 15 mins before tt start.. well. ntg much about tt...
after tt i walked to parade.. to purchase da movie ticket.. n den walk back all da way down to sri kota for tt.. man it was hot.. sweat non stop.. i reached tt place.. luckily got a fren with front seat so i got to him... ntg much about tt again..

after tt luckily my fren is driving.. so i tumpang him back to parade.. dont have to walk again.. phew.. da moive was 2.55pm.. i reached parade at 2.20.. so i got to popular n read some mags.. tats all.. den went up lo... not much ppl watching it.. dunno y.. izzit it always like tat in parade or da movie is jus not good...

well da movie i had was ''Max Payne".. for those who dont know.. its based on a video game called Max Payne also.. its a 3rd person shooting game.. very nice.. one of my fav games.. well da plot for da movie is actually seeking revenge on Max Payne's wife's and son's death.. he had a happy family but it was later ruined n he totally changed.. da game was nice but da movie isnt.. i would say da movie emphasize too much on da drug instead of action... da game was mostly action.. n its so cool with da music n comic scenes.. but da movie... not very good to me.. but da setting n sound effects were good.. tats it..

well after my movie.. i took a bus home.. i din know da bus ticket price has increased eh... i dont know if im ter-tipu or it really raised... i cost me rm1.10 to travel from parade to bus stand at medan kidd n rm1 to travel from bus stand to my area... wow.. its certainly a large amount compared to last time.. last time it took me only rm1 max to travel from parade back to my area... now its RM2.1... wahlau... sakit hati...
as always.. i dont like taking da bus cos i have to walk quite a distance from where i stop.. wonder y my place dont have a bus stop... haiz.. nvrtheless.. i still walked... since it a good form of exercise.. den i let it be only ler.. but i sweat alot on da shirt... hope it would be alright after going thru da washing machine..

well tats jus my day... ntg much... SPM is jus in 21 days times.. minus today.. aikzzzz